What is a Double Wall Jar?
DISTRIBUPACK offers an extensive selection of jars and containers for a variety of uses, including an emphasis on double wall jars in stock and ready for immediate shipment.
How are double wall jars different from single wall jars and thick wall jars? What are the main uses of a double wall jar?
A double wall jar is made of two separate pieces: an outer layer, and an inner layer. It is essentially one smaller jar assembled inside of another slightly larger jar with a design that allows for a seamless presentation. This construction allows for a more pleasing aesthetic, as it is more eye-catching due to it being perceived as sturdier and much more substantial in design appearance. A double wall jar will appear “larger” and “heavier” than a standard single wall jar even while containing the same exact amount of product inside. Because of this, double wall jars are frequently used by individuals and companies looking to achieve favorable product appearance perceptions by the consumer no matter the industry or product type. Double wall jars are utilized by both smaller and larger-sized companies since both are looking to offer their higher quality products to the consumer with a strong packaging component.
Single vs. Double Wall Jars
A standard single wall jar is made of only one piece of plastic. This makes it a more lightweight and less expensive product to produce due to using less material and requiring less manufacturing costs. Single wall jars are generally the most economical option when it comes to choosing a jar for your products, however, they may not offer the perceived value benefits by the consumer such as extra protection and aesthetic design that a double wall jar provides.
The double layering of double wall jars naturally provides an extra layer of protection from the elements, such as temperature fluctuations, light, and oxygen exposure. If your product is sensitive to such variables a double wall jar will provide a bit more insulation and protection for better peace of mind.
Thick Wall Jars vs. Double Wall Jars
Thick wall jars are another variation of a single wall jar, as they are also made with a single layer of plastic that is all one continuous piece. However, as the name implies, they are made with more plastic material and have thicker walls to be more resilient than a standard single wall jar. This makes them more supportive and more durable during scenarios such as filling, packing, or shipping.
Thick wall jars may be more expensive to produce than both single and double wall jars depending on the exact material and manufacturing processes used. Double wall jars provide a similar amount of protection and the same aesthetic look and feel as a thick wall jar does but typically at a competitive price point comparatively speaking.
Uses of Double Wall Jars
Double wall jars have many different use cases and applications as do single wall jars and thick wall jars. In general, they can be used for all of the same purposes and products as a single wall jar or thick wall jar including: packaging lotions, creams, cosmetics, hair care products, powders, gels, moisturizers, CBD balms, and much more.
But when should a double wall jar be used instead of the other single wall jar or thick wall jar options?
Although there are numerous important factors for determining when to use a double wall jar, two (2) of the most important considerations are: 1) how you want your product to be viewed from a product presentation, product appearance, and product usability standpoint 2) whether or not you prefer to have that extra layer of protection for your product to help ensure a successful consumer experience. Its “substantial” size and often “ideal” look and feel can improve the appearance of your product and make it stand out more on a shelf while also offering that extra layer of protection from the additional wall feature.
Double wall jars typically cost more than single wall jars, but it may certainly be worth the additional cost if you prefer that aesthetic boost and superior product presentation that double wall jars can offer the best choice for your product.
Shop Double Wall Jars
Finding the right packaging for your products is an important part of your business, and when it comes to choosing the proper jar, there are many factors that need to be taken into account. DISTRIBUPACK has stock inventory and immediate shipment availability for a nice selection of double wall jars in various sizes, colors, and configurations, and we will gladly also work to source any single wall jar or thick wall jar that you may need in a timely manner. The choice is yours, and we can get you the jar that you want and need! Various cap styles are also available for purchase with various jar options. Our stock inventory is immediately available for small or large quantity orders, so browse our full selection and get in touch with us today to see how we can help you with all of your packaging needs.